Or continue shopping
Photo Verification Needed
Either your date of birth or phone number did not pass our identity validation, or your phone number is not a mobile line. You will need to submit a copy of your photo ID. Click the button below to continue.Next
Photo ID and Selfie with ID Required
Step 1: Submit a photo of your government ID
Step 2: Submit a picture of your face, holding your ID next to it.
Photo ID Required
You must submit a picture of your photo ID with all of the information clearly visible. Your name must match your billing information.
It will take about 20 seconds to verify your ID.
Once verified, it will be deleted from our system.
Note: This storebusiness requires ID verification for every orderverification.
Or, if you'd rather show your ID in-person:
Show ID in-store
Please wait while we verify your age.
This process usually takes under a minute. Please do not close this window.
Verification is taking longer than usual. Thank you for waiting.
Request Denied:
Your image is not of a valid photo ID such as your driver's license.
You must be or older to purchase from this store.
Your ID is not clearly visible. Please make sure nothing is blocking or blurring any information.
The name or date of birth on the ID did not match the information submitted. The name and date of birth on your ID must be "" and .
Your image is a fake, sample, or blocked ID. Fraudulent requests will lead to your device being blocked.
The image you uploaded was completely blank or corrupted. Your browser or device may be outdated. Please try again on another browser, phone, or computer.
The ID or document you uploaded has expired. Please use an up-to-date and valid ID.
The face on your ID does not match the face ("selfie") submitted to us. You must use your own ID.
Incorrect phone validation code entered.
You MUST be holding your ID clearly in the image of your selfie. You MUST provide an image of your selfie while holding your ID. Please email the following images to so that we can verify the required information: (1) The front of your ID (2) The back of your ID (3) A selfie photo, holding your ID next to your face
Image data could not be read, please try again.
Try Again
Submit Your ID
Need help?
* We cannot accept IDs via email for this merchant
You may now proceed with your order.
Your age was successfully verified, thank you for your patience.
We're sending you a link!
Mobile Verification
We've sent a link to your phone. Please open it to upload your photo ID.
Click the button below when you have finished.
I've Finished
Oh no!
Your device ran out of memory while taking a picture.
Your browser crashed and was forced to reload, most likely because your device ran out of memory.
Please try
orderingverifying from another device
such as a computer, or send us an email with a picture of your ID.
Please confirm information
We were unable to confirm the information from the photo you submitted.
Please enter in your information on the next screen so we can verify your identity.
Take Picture
Or, Upload your ID
Or, Take Another Photo
Click "I'm Finished" on your computer.
Your age was successfully verified, thank you for your patience. You may now close this page and complete the process on your computer.
You have completed age verification successfully.
The store you ordered from will be notified and your order will be processed. You may now close this page.
Please check your Name and Date of Birth below. It must match the billing (cardholder) information.
If the above information is incorrect, please reload this page and try again.
After placing your order, we will email you to verify your age. A valid photo ID may be required. If you are not approved, your payment must be cancelled by contacting the store directly.
Location Not Eligible
This storebusiness is not accepting ordersverifications from your location. Please contact them for more information.
No Verification Required
Age verification is not required for your location! You may now continue with your order.
You must be at least years old.
You do not meet the minimum age requirements for your location.
Show ID In-Store
By continuing, you agree to visit our store location in-person to show your ID after ordering, or else we may not be able to fulfill your order. You may now continue with your order.